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hershel_layton said:

Allow me to give some examples:

"Women are horrible" Asshole

"Men are horrible" Absolutely fine


"Black people need to stop doing crimes" Asshole

"White people need to stop doing crimes" Absolutely fine


"I don't enjoy fat people" Asshole

"I don't prefer skinny people" Absolutely fine


"Muslims need to reform and solve their issues" Asshole

"(insert group of a  religion) need to reform and solve their issues"  Absolutely fine


"(Joke about gays)" Asshole

"(Joke about heterosexuals)" Absolutely fine


"Liberals are stupid" Asshole

" Conservatives are stupid" Absolutely fine



Do you see a trend? It's funny how society is so hypocritical and judgemental. People apparently love free speech, but if it goes against them, they go apeshit and throw words that have no importance due to how commonly used they are. Racist, sexist, xenophobic, and so on. I mean, dear god,  it's disgusting how millenials shaped society.

As a millenial, I am absolutely sorry for how stupid we are. I didn't think our past generation would fight so hard for equal rights just to have some buffoons go ahead and seperate us even more.

If you see the examples I listed, all I did was take out one word or phrase. That's it. It's funny how in real life taking out one word or phrase can determine if something is politically incorrect or not.




Edit: Perhaps my point of the thread wasn't clear.

This isn't me complaining about jokes. I receive jokes about being terrorist all the time. I could care less. It's probably something that's irritating(rather than problematic), but I think the double standards placed for certain people is annoying. Why shouldn't everyone be prone to criticism or thoughts from others?

Also, I understand that disadvantages come for certain people. That's obvious. We aren't equal in all aspects, so unfortunately some people are on top of others. However, what I realized was that Social Justice Warriors don't unite people. Instead, all they did was seperate people even more and make us have biased and generalized views against groups of people. The method millenials have chosen to address our issues has backfired incredibly. Maybe we should have realized that we all are in the wrong and right? 

Coulnd't agree with you more on this.
The recent anti- trump rallies in San Jose just proves your point even further so anyone in denial with your thesis is delusional.