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I'm sory to hear you wasted your money on GTA IV. Boom Blox would be a great alternative after reading your criterea of what you enjoy in a game. The co-op is great, the many different types of puzzles are usually very fun and engaging, the Create mode is well done and offers plenty of features, and in case you run out of puzzles in game you can look up puzzles from others I believe and add them in to your Create Mode. The controls are very precise, especially during Jenga-like puzzles where you have to pull out blocks from a greater whole without collapsing it. In fact this is the best implementation of the Wii-mote i've played yet, and definitely a game no other console could have housed. The only real omission in this game I miss is online play, which should have been a must. Then again, it probably would have been broken in simultaneous co-op since you couldn't communicate to your partner through voice chat. Overall, an excellent game and quite possibly my favorite Wii game yet.

Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.