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Pavolink said:
Aielyn said:

Nintendo never said that Zelda was the only thing they'd show. I pointed that fact out repeatedly in this thread.

They said that Zelda was the only *playable* game at the show. And it is - Pokemon Go and Pokemon S/M are going to be shown, but aren't going to be playable on the show floor.

The fact that you lack the basic level of comprehension necessary to understand the word "playable" when used in the context they used it in does not mean they were wrong.

Yes they were wrong. When you have other games to shown you announce it, not wait until the internet laughs at you and to try at the end to solve the damage. It basic skills for bussiness. Also, the only game announced at the livestream at that time was Zelda, no other game, neither a hint. You got luck because of your apologist nature, but you won't have always luck.

Pavolink, expert PR manager: "Announce things well ahead of time, because otherwise people who lack basic comprehension will speculate on the internet about you having nothing else to show, and that does damage because reasons."

As I said before, they specifically said that Zelda would be the only *playable* game at E3. They wouldn't specify "playable" if it was the only game they would present at E3. Basic comprehension. Learn it. And while you're at it, you might also want to brush up on your basic grammar and spelling.

People always complain about everything being ruined ahead of time. Nintendo is being more secretive than usual - We're less than two weeks out from E3, and here's what we know: they'll have a ~90 minute stream of Zelda U, they will show off some Pokemon Sun/Moon and Pokemon Go content, and they have earmarked at least a whole day for their stream, so there's clearly more on the way.

It really takes so little effort to see what's going on. Zelda U is such a big deal, it's all they really needed to mention significantly ahead of time, to get people interested in watching their stream. They waited until now to mention anything else because they didn't need to mention anything else.

Note that, contrary to your assertions otherwise, Nintendo only announcing Zelda U so early actually benefited Nintendo - it lowers overall expectations, so that Nintendo having a "decent" E3 becomes a great thing, and it makes people anticipate Zelda U even more, since Nintendo "seems" to think it's good enough to carry their entire event.

And for those who honestly went "only Zelda U? Nintendo lost me", Nintendo just has to announce a few more things, and those people will pay much more attention.

EDIT: Here's the exact wording of what Nintendo said about E3, back then:

"To ensure attendees are able to truly experience the freedom of exploration the game offers, The Legend of Zelda for Wii U will be Nintendo's focus of the show this year, and will be the only playable game in Nintendo's booth via extended demos."

They were quite clear, from the start - they were talking about the *show floor*. They then described the Treehouse Live stream of Zelda as how Nintendo will "kick-off" their E3. In other words, there was going to be more than just Zelda. Everything Nintendo said was clear - Zelda was the main event for their E3, not the only event.