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Aielyn said:
Nuvendil said:
The refusal of Japan to surrender is not a lie it is a documented fact.

I said nothing about whether Japan was planning to surrender. I said that the claim that Japan wouldn't have surrendered without the bomb is a lie. There are many other ways that they could have been brought to the point of surrendering without the wholesale murder of many innocent civilians.

If you're going to take a long series of detailed posts and boil it down to one dang line and use that to set up a strawman argument to score arbitrary points for your position then please, don't even bother posting.  As I pointed out in my other posts, the bombs were far less destructive to  the civilian and military infrastructure and population than Operation Downfall which was the only alternative that made any sense.  And while you keep banging your drum about the civilians of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, you missed one of my main points completely:  those cities were vital cogs in the Japanese war machine and would have been destroyed anyway in the event of an invasion.  Most of the city would have parished from fire bomb and heavy ordinance attacks and the rest would have died during the invasion as a result of the JAPANESE government's Operation Ketsugo.  The only people that would have benefited from playing the Japanese military's game and just dragging out the conflict were the Japanese government and military command, war criminals on par with Hitler who were willing to send their civilians to die en masse to save their sorry skins.  The only other option to this absurd war of attrition was an armistice and agreeing to Japan's terms and that would have been the most morally reprehensible action we could have taken.

As for the bomb's effectiveness, it is documented that the fall of the second bomb definitely hastened their surrender.  In all but one of his speeches, Emperor Hirohito specifically mentioned the atomic bomb as a major factor in surrender, including his address to the people.  As much as revisionists want to bury the Japanese government and militaries brutality, coldness, and disregard for their own citizens so that they can white wash their history, playing themselves as the victims of an unfair attack, the documented facts remain.  Now, I'm done repeating myself.  Go actually read my posts and respond in kind.  As in with actual facts and argumentation.