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shikamaru317 said:
eva01beserk said:
Did sony officially claimed a release date for ps4 neo? Cuz i really doubt they would let MS get the uper hand on them for simply not waiting a few more months.

Someone mentioned before that the xbox is more constrained in the upgrade department, due to the sdram it has. That its important or they could loose backward compatability. any truth to that?

I know its not about consoles this thread, but it was already mentioned. But I really see nx coming with one of theese at around 4tf for like $250. They will go cheap to recreate the wii success and to walk away from the super expensive wii u gamepad and sub par quality. They just need to be good enoughf to get lower quality third party suport.

Sony hasn't said anything about the Neo. But based on the leak, an October release seems likely since all games that release after September must have both PS4 and Neo versions.

I'm sure MS can get around that issue by keeping the esRAM for backward compatibility purposes and combining it with much faster GDDR5 instead of XB1's slower DDR3, but I'm no expert. I'm sure that MS has a solution in mind to have both good specs and backwards compatibility, according to the sources that leaked Scorpio's existence, Microsoft's top goal for Scorpio is beating Sony in the specs department because they're sick of getting inferior 3rd party ports.

I can't see Nintendo hitting 4 tflops for $250 in March. Neo is 4 tflops and it's rumored to be releasing at $400-450 later this year. I do think Nintendo will aim to beat PS4, but at this point I'm doubtful that they'll try to match Neo. Something like 2.5-3 tflops for $250-300 is what I'm expecting. Since PS4 has at least 3 more years of support ahead of it thanks to the clause that requires devs to keep supporting PS4, as long as NX beats PS4 specs and is x86 for easy porting, Nintendo should be able to get 3rd party support. Then once PS4 support is dropped, Nintendo could theoretically use those Supplemental Computing Devices they patented to boost NX up to Neo/Scorpio level to keep getting support. 

The gpu is the most expensive component in gaming, even using the stock rx 480, after the apu version for the console comes out, it should be under $300. I think $250 for 4 teraflops should be reachable. Deppending on what type of controller they go with. Hope nintendo learned their lesson with the wii u gamepad.

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