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Nautilus said:

I just explained why....

he just wants the best for Europe.You are not solving the world problems by letting them in.These countries(the ones the imigrants come from) will continue to "produce" people in bad conditions because their economy/politics keeps draging the country down(corruption, lack of better administration, etc).The actual right thing to do is go and fix those countries problems, which is something thats not easily done.If you just keep acepting people in, these refugees wont stop comming, because who wouldnt turn down a chance to have a better life?That in consequence will bring problems to Europes own countries problems, such as finding jobs for those people, making them learn the language, spending money keeping them healthy, and long term problems too, such as providing a good retirement pay for them and many more.

I mean, 80% of Chinas population is poor and Im pretty sure a good percentage of that numbers lives in bad condition.Do you really think Europe can simply say,"hey come on over!" and solve all the worlds problems?

Uh... China's population below poverty is 5%. lol

And 5% of 1.3 billion is more than many countries population.I agree that I have given a wrong number, but that dosent change the fact that China has alot of poor people.

My (locked) thread about how difficulty should be a decision for the developers, not the gamers.