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Cobretti2 said:
Wow people need to bloody read about tech and not just play games

Cart of 80s and 90s is not the same of 2016 lol.

Let's look at today's gaming problems:
- Huge installs
- Patch installs
- Addon installs
- All digitally tied to that console
- Eventually you run out of hdd space, so need to upgrade drives or uninstall games
- When generation ends and servers are off, no more ability to download patches for buggy games. AKA retro gaming is dead on these systems.
- Console dies you are screwed as you lost all your patches and broken games become unplayable.

- You can transfer the "License" between machines in seconds.
- All my data for my Xbox 360 and Xbox One is on external drives so I can shift them between consoles.

Retro gaming will be hampered though once they shut the servers off, which will be sad to see. Tons of games on Xbox 360 and Playstation 3 have already gone that way where DLC etc' is no longer downloadable due to expired licensing.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--