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zero129 said:
Ruler said:

this is the same thing like buying a new console every 5 years, instead its 3 years and the games will be forward and backward compatible. I dont know how you think it is similiar to PC where you upgrade every single component and espacially the Windows OS giving you nothing but problems

First of all if your going to reply dont be using your bullshit statements.

You do not need to upgrade "Every component" of your PC whenever you go to upgrade your GPU.

My i5-2500k still wipes the floor with the CPU's thats in the PS4K and the one that will be in the XB1

Hell the is still CPU's out now thats over 7 years old and wipes the floor with the CPU's thats in the PS4K and XB1.

So that leaves us with just the GPU and also how is windows OS giving me problems?.

Shame if your a current PS4 owner you cant just go buy a new GPU for your console, instead you have to go Upgrade the whole thing every time you upgrade.

which cost as much as a graphics on PC you forgot to add.

And i can just sell my old console and put the money into my new purchase.

yes you dont need to upgrade every component but there are still dozzens of graphicscards to choose from, and at some point you have to upgrade the motherboard and thefore the entire PC and reinstall everythong which is will happen probably in a 5 years circle, the same time like a new console or even in less time.

New Windows OS's will diminish more and more the compatability of older games over time. The PS4 allready outsurvied 3 Windows version since its release 7, 8 and now 10.