zero129 said:
Lets not try using this as an argument. You know well that with the consoles having such weak CPU's PC CPU's from 7+ years ago wipe the floor with them. You also know that if a PC user buys a PC today they will not need to upgrade their CPU for a long long time as this wont be a bottlekneck thanks to the consoles. So what does that leave??. Ram?. Thats cheap "IF" a user wants to add extra to their system but then if a user already has 16gb they should be good to go.. Hell i currently only have 8gb and have had no problems with any game. We are going by retail prices here since id imagine that would be where most console gamers would get their PS+ cards or on the PSStore itself. if we start going down the road of Deals and stuff it just makes things even more unfair for PS users. Also if them "Other reason" are the free games PC has that also. In fact for like £7 a mont we have access to "LOTS" of games . And thats just one service.
ok you win. Lets leave it alone. We all should game on PCs and just call it a day.