zero129 said:
First of all if your going to reply dont be using your bullshit statements. You do not need to upgrade "Every component" of your PC whenever you go to upgrade your GPU. My i5-2500k still wipes the floor with the CPU's thats in the PS4K and the one that will be in the XB1 Hell the is still CPU's out now thats over 7 years old and wipes the floor with the CPU's thats in the PS4K and XB1. So that leaves us with just the GPU and also how is windows OS giving me problems?. Shame if your a current PS4 owner you cant just go buy a new GPU for your console, instead you have to go Upgrade the whole thing every time you upgrade. |
Are you kidding me? why are you talking to him or anyone for that matter like that all simply cause they domt share or agree with you? Thats a really shitty attitide you have there and i see you cant make u points without becoming hostile.
but pls answer this.... yes shame on us for not being able to upgrade only our GPU or whatever. But how muvh does it cost to upgrade the whole console for us as opposed to just say a 1070 GPU?
Wait...... could it be even remotely possible that we just prefer to play on conosles? or are you so arrogamt and ignoramt to accept that others have their own preferences and that those preferences works for them? I actually had to look at ur profile page just to check your age cause u sound like you are 15 or something....
Anyways, im going to bow out of this conversation. in time we will see i guess.