zero129 said: Please explain to me where i used so many "If's". My statements are not IF's and trust me i have been right about a number of things before. Including the console makers going the upgrade root long before it was a thing. Like i said in another post. If you want to believe PS4 and PS4k Gamers will all play happy and nice and sit around a camp fire singing songs your more then welcome. I think the reality will be more like you will have PS4 users who be grudge the PS4k users and you will have PS4k users thinking they are better then PS4 owners. And yes the is a very very large number of people who buy a console cos they dont have upgrades. They know they will be playing the exact same games as their friends looking the exact same. This will no longer be the case. Also what if MS allows devs to make XB1.5 exclusives. This would allow them to make games that look far beyond what the PS4 or Neo could do (If Neo is not allowed to have its own exclusives). Do you really think the wont come a point when Sony will also allow the same to show what the PS4Neo can do??. Also when was the PS4Neos price announced??. For all you know it could launch at $500. The GTX 1070 wipes the floor with the PS4 Neo when it comes to raw specs and that doesnt cost 400. Id imagine by the time the PS4k launches the price will be even lower and with AMD's cards out by then. Main reason you dont want to get into the price argument is now you know the is no way you can win it. Its a simple fact yes a persons first PC will cost more then a console. However after that it will tbe cheaper to upgrade your PC then it will be to upgrade your console. Lets not even get into that you need to add what an extra 150-200$ for 3-4 years of gaming on the PS systems if you want to play online. |
Lol ok. And the only thing that goes into a PC is a GPU right? Ok. got you.
Xb1.5 exclusives? neo exclusives..... and you wonder what "ifs" I am talking about? Even when everything so far points to the contrary. And you see that last point you made about playing to game online? That's why I don't get into price arguments. Cause I find that people like you can't approach them without bias and outlandish claims. Would u believe it if I tell you that for the past 3 years I have not spent more than 30hrs in total gaming online? But I pay for PS+ every single year. Shocking right? there are other reasons to get PS+ besides playing online.
And you know whats really funny, when it comes to everything PC you seem to know all there is to know about prices, but fail to see acknowledge that you can also get deals on PSN cards. I have never spent more than $35 on a one year PSN card. Go figure.