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Ruler said:
pokoko said:

I disagree with you.  I don't see why single player only games should get a lower score because they don't have multi-player.

Dark Souls 3 has a multiplayer and a very good one even

Mbolibombo said:

#1 It's not 70 euro if you actually look around. Dont buy your games on PSN, it's hilariously overpriced. You can buy the Origins edition for 40£ shipped. 
#2 Who even plays singleplayer on FPS games? I mean, seriously? It's a multiplayer game. Deal with it (inserts dog with glasses)
#3 You not being able to play without PS+ that joke is on playstation. Not Overwatch
#4 Overwatch is more fun than Dark Souls 3 (Y) 

1. no its mandatory to pay 70€ on day 1 in europe. Amazon and everyone else charges that much at day1 preorder, it drops to 60 a month later usualy but just to get it clear its an unfair pricing for a multiplayer only game.

2. Ehh a lot of people do or did, Doom 2016 for example has a very good singleplayer and has a multiplayer. Overwatch lacks in content, even worse that Street Fighter 5.

3. And on Xbox Live too. So why is Blizzard charging more for their multiplayer only game on systems you have to pay for online? just another reason why this game shouldnt supported as a console owner.

4. nope

No, you really could buy it for that price. I know because I almost bought it on PS4 instead of PC, but realized I really wanted the best possible experience on an FPS which is on PC. So no, there is no such things as a mandatory 70 euro day 1 price. Again, it's not Blizzards problem Sony and Microsoft charges for their online services. And what game is funnier is a subjective matter you like DS3 more, I like OW more. Reviewers, allthough I dont really care much about metacritic, seem to think so to right now.