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I read a lot of popular shounen stuff. Of that list, I've read or are reading everything except for History's Strongest Disciple. I did end up dropping Naruto though...about 100 chapters before the end, but I don't feel like ranting about that. Favorites on that list are probably One Piece and Fairy Tail.

First manga I read...hard to say. I read the American version of Shounen Jump when I was kid, because I saw a copy with a Dragonball Z picture on the cover. First manga I followed closely though was probably Naruto...back when I was into it. I was a big anime-only proponent for a long time, and pretty much refused to read manga for whatever reason. Can't even remember my thought process was probably some dumb excuse.

NNID: Zephyr25 / PSN: Zephyr--25 / Switch: SW-4450-3680-7334