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I'd just like to point out that the game being sold on PC is sold directly on Blizzards store which also happens to be a part of their network, this means they are getting the full price profit from the PC gamer, with consoles there is the channels to go through where you have to pay a fee, of course asking to slap your game on a Sony, MS and Nintendo system isn't entirely free of charge and all expenses covered for you, just the same way it is with Steam. This is just another reason why it costs more on consoles, especially when you have to factor in second hand sales which Blizz will never get at all, with PC they will be getting every penny from their own store that involves no extra costs or hoops to jump through.

Also for the most part, games on PC tend to be a lot cheaper than console counterparts, especially when factoring in Steam, GoG, GMG, G2A and generally being that bit cheaper before a discount lands.

This is a multiplayer only game with a focus on competitive PVP and PVE with bots, basically like a version of TF", that game also didn't need a singleplayer campaign to make it appeal and appear great to the many fans that have enjoyed that game through the years, we've had comics, trailers and SFM movies that fill in the lore, the same way Overwatch is going about it and it's working just as well. Singleplayer only fans just need to understand that not every game needs to have an SP mode crammed into it, just look at Planetside and Planetside 2 as well as TF2 and other games. DOOM has a great singleplayer but a really crappy MP imo along with a severely limited snap map system, out of the 3 aspects of that game only 1 has been worth my money, meanwhile Overwatch has been well worth the money for me due to it filling in exactly what I've been waiting years for,

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"