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-because these games ussually lack content in comparison to singleplayer games who also have a multiplayer mode

- you are dependant on other people to have fun online, a singleplayer game can deliver you the same at any time

- You are dependant on your internet connection, if it goes offline for some hours there is no gaming. And if you have bad internet you will experience lag etc. Or what is if the servers from the game are offline for mantainance?

- every online mode feels kinda samey at some point, espacialley ego shooters. What are the goals you are asking yourself after playing a lot of MP and being first in Rank for a match?

- if the servers go offline forever the 60$ you paid for are gone, that copy of the MP only game you bought for your system becomes useless. With singleplayer games you always will be able to enjoy them even 20 years from now.
And it doesnt have necessarily the servers to be closed down, it can also happen that no one will play this MP only game at some point.

- and i think this whole competive culture shows the worst face of gaming to other people, you see people raging all the time over a fricking game. And some people even go out killing other people dueto these MP games who were always linked to these cases.

So this my general disrespct for MP and espacially MP only games