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Also people needs to understand that U4's attention to detail is due to game having small enviroments (except for Madagascar and 2 or 3 chapters in the whole campaign) when compared to games like GTA V or The Witcher 3.

Wow Nate's clock moves real time, and Nate talks to Sully that is so amazing! But then games like The Witcher 3 which has a world a 100 times bigger than any of Uncahrted's levels and so many things, quests and dialogues no one is impressed (?) (well luckily a lot of people got impressed and the game is the one with the most goty prizes of all time) but for real people needs to think a little on what other games offer before being impressed about a clock that moves on Nate's wrist... Although many just say it is so incredible because it's a Naughty Dog game and they are fanboys of the PS brand.


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