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mutantsushi said:
Nem said:

this is a colossal mistake by Sony... this will have long term repurcussions to the early adoption rate of the PS5.
Customers don't react well to beeing tricked out of their money. The possible short term advantages will come with dire long term ones.

If you're not going to make more specific predictions than that, that will be shown true/false, it's kind of hard to take seriously.
Not sure who is being tricked out of money here, any more than when a car company releases a larger engine model of your car.

With flawed PoV's like that you won't. A console isnt a car. A car isn't a platform. Console's are products used to use other products (the games).

It is nothing like the single purchase of a car... wich i might add you will never use at the top of it's capabilities.


A console is a platform. It has an expected usage during an expected number of years at its maximum capabilities. Lowering that obviously lowers customer satisfaction. It's that simple.

If you really want to compare this to cars, its equivalent to your car breaking down or there beeing no roads it can run effectively on after a year and having no warranty. You wouldn't exactly be satisfied with your purchase then.