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1) Stop weapon deliveries to ANY partie involved in the conflict.
2) Force Turkey and Saudi-Arabia to stop any funding going to any party in the regio and track and halt oils shipments by Daesh to bleed them dry.
3) Help develop Rojava (Syrian Kurdistan) economically. They are the most stable factor in the whole ordeal and dispite their region being witheld from industrialization by Assad, it now produces 55% of the Syrian GDP. A lot of Syrians are already fleeing there since it's nearby and relatively safe. The more the region is developed, the more people it will be able to give a good home.
4) Shred the agreement with Turkey, it isn't working. Set up large and decent camps to give people first shelter.
5) Order all border fences in Easter Europe removed. The age of the iron curtain is gone and they're violating not only the Shengen treaty but also the Human Rights accords.
6) Spread the people across the EU and let the EU pay for any initial settling and integration costs.
7) Be humane, but when needed, enforce the law on both sides. There will be no fighting amongst refugees and violence will not be tolerated. But any neo-fascists attacking refugees should be SEVERELY punished. I don't care how popular they get, nazis have no place in Europe.

The EU can easily pay for this. If they have the money for gold-embroidend dinnerware (yes, they invested money in that), they have the money to pay for this crisis. If necessary. Any politician who approved a military intervention in the middle east should pony up his personal fortune.

That's my solution.