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Ok, so I played Toukiden 2 demo for about half an hour and my general impression is that its better than I thought it would be after I saw their stream but not as good as I had hoped.

The game seems to run at a smooth frame rate that is not 30 fps maybe 25 I don't know. Tecmo went with when you have performance issues just hide details and use pop ins. I swear to god once during the demo an area popped in front off me (trees, mountain everything, I think it might have been a bug though). Generally it's not as bad as Attack on titans, its borderline acceptable I think. It doesn't look as good as Kiwami graphically but I guess people expected that since open world. The camera needs work (stutters) but this issue is also in the ps4 version and Tecmo said they are working on it so hopefully it would be better by launch.

Overall, I don't think I'm getting this day one, maybe a month or 2 after launch if it got several patches to make it better.
Some screenshots :