Primethius said:
I see. Care to back up with any sort of evidence why you think the mainstream gamer pays particular attention to company PR pieces about sales? Or do you think the average gamer also frequents message boards, and specifically boards that expose him or herself to this kind of PR. Because I'm not really seeing how your coming to that conclusion. |
These articles go all over from gamefaqs to neogaf to /v/ to N4G to IGN. A lot of people read them and many of them fall right for the PR spin. Even on NeoGAF, people were drinking the Halo 5 PR kool-aid. These are not just investors and sales age, these are gamers. But no, obviously the most casual of players aren't really going to be on gaming forums or sites so they aren't going to see this.
"Average" gamer doesn't mean much, and is an empty, meaningless word. The "average" gamer doesn't read forums, but he hardly buys games either. Sergey of SteamSpy did an interesting piece that I think explains it better than I ever could. 1% of Steam owners own 33% of the games, 20% own 88% of the games. You shouldn't try to appeal to the "average" gamer.
I'm not sure what you're so argumentative about? Are you saying that PR spin doesn't exist? Are you saying that only investors and sales age reads these PR pieces?