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Problem checklist:

Short battery life


Shape, both from an aesthetic and comfort perspective.

If they had taken a year to actually evaluate the Gamepad's feature list, they could have slimmed it down alot. The speakers are bigger than they need to be given there is a headphone jack, the NFC chip could go under the screen, the screen could honestly be the size of the 3DSXL or standard N3DS screens, the front facing camera is entirely pointless, and the home, tvii, +, -, and power buttons could have been better located, Remove and alter those things and you could keep all the actual important gameplay features of the Gamepad (the touch screen and gyroscope) while making the controller smaller, more ergonomic, more aesthetically pleasing, lighter, give it a better battery life, and make the thing cheaper to manufacture.

Which is why the Gamepad to me screams "prototype." Which is not surprising since the Wii U was clearly a rushed product.