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bdbdbd said:
oniyide said:

Sure they did. I personally expected them to try to catch lighting in a bottle again and capatalize on another "unique" controller gimmick. Which is what they did only this time people didnt care about the pad like they cared about the Wiimote. What were other people expecting? A Wii 2? That was never gonna happen especially when sales started to dip on the original.

People did not care about the Wii remote any more that they care about the gamepad. The huge difference is, just like Jumpin already said, how it was used.

In retrospect it is obvious that Nintendo was going with the Wii U/Gamecube route. Even though you might expect Nintendo not going the uninteresting games route after they saw how uninteresting games killed Wii sales. Wii 2 was excactly what people was waiting for, that might even be the reason why Nintendo did not make Wii 2.

It was not the tablets people Nintendo was going after (not directly that is, as tablets share the core gamer values), but it was the industry's core audience Nintendo wanted. I can't remember what games Wii U was released with, but I'd recall they were mostly core games (like Nintendo land), with some cheaply and quickly churned out games like NSMBU. TThere's a big difference between publishing cheap shit and investing into something to make it better quality

What were these uninteresting games that killed the Wii? What games could Wii 2 possibly bring to the table that would have been different enough from the stuff on Wii that would have made people forked over for a whole other system? Graphics? cause the soccer moms dont really care about that. Maybe what killed the Wii was people just stopped caring, nothing was going to change that.

Everyone uses tablets though, from children to older adults what is core about that? Hell it probably made sense at the time to try to catch some of those people. Most of the games released at launch were not core. Unless we have diff definitions, cause i dont see how a mini game compilation is considered core. And to be fair most of the Wii library was made up of cheap shit and that didnt stop it from selling well. Alot cheaper than a 2d Mario