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WolfpackN64 said:
Angelus said:

Not directly speaking, no. However, a nation's people are as a rule responsible for the international actions of said nation. Your leadership is a product of your people, and their decisions are what steer you in international conflict. You don't just get to separate a nations actions from it's people. You don't just get to go along with whatever your government is doing, hope it works out, and then point and condem or plead ignorance if things don't. If a nations people are against a war, and refuse to fight....good luck fighting. Japan itself is responsible for what happened to them in WW2. You can't just separate Japan's actions from it's people and pretend like all it's civilians outside of the military (and btw, these cities WERE military targets) were innocents gathered around a campfire singing world peace. Of course it's terrible when civilians die in war, but it happens, and when your country is the instigator, you don't get to complain about it. It's not like it would help anyway. If those people want an apology, they should demand it from their own leadership for putting them in that position. 

Do you know ANY of the backstory of how Japan got into that war. Japan was always a flawed democracy. Before the war, a whole series of coups and disaster struck the country. A military government was formed and the left-wing opposition was either jailed or killed. Everyone who didn't conform was put under the scrutiny of the military police. What could the people do?

As a rule, the leadership is responsible. Heck, In Belgium, we ask constantly to stop the military interventions we are waging on NATO behalf. Does the government listen? No, no and no.

First look at the leadership, then look how far the people collaborate.

I was going to respond to his comment but you did so i'll add to it.

North Korea is a good example. 

Does anyone really think people would stand up against their military government lol?

They be dead before they finished a sentence.