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Jon-Erich said:
Ruler said:

Pearl harbor = military base

Hiroshima, Nagasaki = towns with mostly civillians

Yep and for some dropping nuclear bombs two times on a town justifies it because a military base was attacked. Also Japan never capitulated because of the nukes but only when the USSR entered the war against Japan and invaded Korea and Manchuria. The United States dropped these bombs to show it to the Soviets.



The US started the war with trade embargos and refusing to trade their Oil, why you think they made this huge military base on pearl harbor in the rirst place? they were preperaing for war against Japan it was inventable. 

As I said before, Japan didn't just attack a military base. They occupied territories such as Wake Island, Guam, and the Philippines where both military and cililian populations brutally tortured and murdered by the Japanese Imperial Army. That's just the US side of it. Go ahead and ask the Chinese and Koreans how good Japan was to them. I would never approve of doing things for the sake of vengeance, but by the end of the way, Japan had pissed off quite a few people.

As for the embargo, the embargo was put in place because Roosevelt had learned that oil from the US was fueling Japan's war in the far east. The idea was that by cutting off the oild supply, Japan would have to pull out of China. Japan felt that since America was largely an isolationist nation at the time, that an attack would not only keep the US out of the Pacific for a while but also bring them to the negotiating table. None of that happened. Still, the embargo was fairly justified. Would you want to sell something to another country knowing that what your selling them is causing an unjustified war to take place?

So why is the US selling weapons right now around the world to questionable countries? Like Saudi Arabia making war against syria and yemen?

great so the US cried about Japan colonizing US colonies?