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I am surprised at how hard it is to find a clear answer to some questions about buying through Amazon. I was wondering if some of you guys here could shed some light on this.

I made my first order through Amazon, used to make my purchases though eBay, but saw a deal and went for it.

The thing is that I added my debit card and entered checkout yesterday, but my bank account still shows the amount of money that is supposed to go away to pay for the item I ordered.

So my questions are:

1) When you enter a debit card, do you have to do another step besides entering the card number and the "name on card"? That's tje only information I was asked to provide when adding a debit card to Amazon.

2) Does it usually take days for the money to be substracted from the bank account and to reach Amazon? Which would mean my money is yet to be substracted and that I just have to wait because everything is going as expected?


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