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collint0101 said:
vivster said:

Please tell me what is hurting the industry when people use a tool to emulate a console that was never popular and is already dead.

I guess people using popular SNES emulators are robbing Nintendo of their precious cardridge sales. Just because Nintendo is incapable of doing it themselves and raking in the cash on PC and mobile. The only one who is hurting Nintendo is Nintendo themselves.

I guess you're also someone of the 1 pirated copy = 1 lost sale crowd.

Those people could easily buy wiis or 3ds' or Wii u's and play those games legitimately then there are tons of 3rd party snes ganes that have gotten official re-releases across mobile, steam, xb live, psn ect but I guess the master race is too good to buy a console for stuff like that so you'll just steal it instead. 

Wait what? I just told you that I own the console and the games. What the fuck am I stealing?

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