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Freedom. If you are willing to allow the government to take your freedom away, you will lose security sooner or later. It's a classic manipulation strategy: the government won't fix a security problem while arguing that it needs more power to fix the problem. In the end, it only wants the power.

Ask people in Cuba if they felt safe when Che was shooting everyone that opposed the revolution. Ask if people felt safe when Mao started the Grand Famine. Ask if anyone on North Korea feels safe. Well, they will probably say that they do feel safe, after decades of brainwashing to believe they live in the best place ever.

Think Venezuela. It wasn't a very good place 20 year ago. But now? It's in shambles. Maduro does what he wants and is ruining the country.

I'm from Brazil. Less than 30 year ago, we lived on a dictatorial regime. People were tortured, civil rights were non-existent. People here are already forgetting how important freedom is. We have even some people that now believe the regime was great. In the US and the EU, you probably already forgot how it to live without freedom, so you start to not give it its real value.