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NO but seriously.

I mean in Japan its still going. It'll really vary with how many Wiis are sold in Japan. I'm going to guess though about 5 million in the land of the rising sun.

Europe/Other is really a different story. I have no idea how strong the reception is over there or if it'll pull a Wii Play. My guess though is yes and once again it'll vary on Wii sales in the region. Guesses though are around 6-7 million.

Now America, land of the fatasses, is really where all the heavy marketing is going. And trust me it'll pay off. I'm guessing a great opening week of at least 1 million. Followed by legs comparable to that of Wii Play, if not more. This title could easily do 10 million in America alone.

Overall I'm guessing about 20 million worldwide LTD for Wii Fit. I mean this is easily as high as I will go. I mean I was a nonbeliever in this title and I thought it'd barely get to 5 million but I'm impressed by its reception and by the advertising for the title in America. It's going to be huge in America. People who aren't even using it to get in shape will buy it sheerly off of brand. Going to be the biggest thing in America since Halo 3.