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Soundwave said:

You really think Sony can't release a controller with a cheap LCD display on it? Having a screen on the controller didn't do shit for the Wii U anyway.

You don't even need a screen on the controller, just allow streaming to a tablet/phone, everyone has one of those in their house already.

These are things Nintendo can't patent and will be copied easily if they have any degree of market success. Microsoft laughs at tiny little DeNA, they can't do anything they couldn't do far better.

You can be digital only to your hearts content today on PS4 or XB1 already. You never have to buy anything physically if you don't want. Hell even Wii U does this already. Who cares.

I'm 1000% sure they won't for the PS4, and if they did it would flop immediately. If the entire installed base doesn't have it, it not a reliable feature. If it isn't reliable, it won't be supported. It it's not supported, no one will buy it. If you need an external device like a phone to improve your UI, your UI isn't good enough. That's ridiculus. Thinking that having people pull out their phones to navigate their console's UI is an even remote answer to a system with a touch screen UI built in from the get go. You're reaching at nothing. You can't just address something like that with an add on later on, as Kinect and Move proved. You can't duck-tape touch-screen functionality to a platform that was never made to support it. It needs to be an integral part of the system from day one. Sony missed that boat. MS missed that boat. The copies would fail, because not most consumers would have it. That's like saying "oh, Apple released a phone with a touch screen? Big deal. Blackberry will just sell a touch screen attachment to plug into your old blackberry. Apple doesn't have a patent on touch screens. Problem solved!" Right.

The bit about the Wii U is expectedly simple minded of you. "If touch screens are so great, why didn't the Wii U sell a million-billion units? Hurdur."

DeNA can and will. Microsoft didn't build a platform that can achieve what Nintendo will achieve with NX. It doesn't matter that they could have. They didn't, and now they'll have to eat it while Nintendo does. Microsoft doesn't have a handheld with a dual screens, they don't have a touch screen controller that launched with the XBO, they don't have a digital only platform. That's what they'll need to do to have a platform that can do what the NX will do. Will they do all that? Of fucking course not. If they don't have hardware that can do all that hardware wise, nothing they can do when it comes to UI will make up for it because nothing on the current brand of traditional consoles has the features that would make it work. When NX is a screaming success, the best they'll be able to do with their current platform is make a digital only revision. They won't release a touch screen controller because the first 4 years of their software won't work for it, which means that all the talent in the world won't be able to make a controller based UI compete with a good touchscreen UI. They won't make a dual screen handheld which means they won't have the unified platform of systems that also have good touch screen UI.

And it's the same with Sony. They could make a digital only PS4 revision. That's it. They could release a Vita 2 and have that, but that will be as lame as the PS3/Vita integration for the same reasons - the initial platform was never built to work with a handheld brother. And since the system wouldn't be dual screened, they'd either both not have a touch screen for control compatability at the expense of a UI that won't come close to the NX's, or they'll have the Vita 2 with a touchscreen, causing imput compatability issues. No, Sony will eat it too. They'll both release digital only console revisions and wait out the generation because there's nothing else intelligent they can do to compete with the NX at that point. Then XB will integrate with PC, Sony will push PS Now as the PS4 successor, and everyone will have a different, modern evolution of what it means to be a console. But for it's first 4-5 years, NX is going to piss on the other two.

It doesn't matter if you can be digital only by choice. That's the issue with options. You can't tailor an experience to an optional feature because you can't rely on everyone to have it. The fact that physical exists on PS4 and XBO at all prohibits them from doing anything with it that NX will. "Who care's if some games use the Move. I'm using the DS3. Move fails. Wiimote was mandatory. Wii doesn't." It's the same with digital. When it's an option, it means nothing. When it's mandatory, it means everything. It's why My Nintendo is so underwhelming to so many people. They can't even benefit from it. Options are the problem here, not the solution.