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spemanig said:
Ballas said:

This poibt is entirely false. It goes with the assumption that smartphone apps and console games are similar but they are not. Games on smartphone have a size of 3GB at max while the average AAA console game is many times that size. The size of digital download matters as not everyone is willing to spend hours downloading a game rather than just paying for it and installing it on their HDD. Most smartphone apps aren't even a 100MB in size.

The thing about used games is that they matter to console gamers because the price of console games is high. Steam has incredible sales so people can buy games at very low prices and that offsets the need to sell their games. I doubt that Nintendo will give gamers such huge discount.

The point about the UI being streamlined is completely up in the air yet you talk about it as if its a fact. Nintendo's hardware has always felt aged even if we don't consider that they are underpowered. Microsoft and Sony design much better hardware and the consoles have great UI, XB1 especially runs Windows 10 and it doesn't get more streamlined than that.

As for marketplace and ecosystems, PSN and XBL are very well-developed ecosystems, its Nintendo who has to catch up first.

It's not false. There are ways to circumnavigate that wait that already exist today. No one will be waiting hours to play NX games. There's predownloading, there's downloading while you're away from your device and having it ready when you get gome. There's downloading a small part of the game and playing that as the rest downloads in the background. None of the issues you're talking about are realistic factors anymore. Size is not a problem at all.

Nintendo are doing that. They're doing it with My Nintendo, everyone does it with game sales, and that will only grow on the NX. I'm all digital. I actually know. I actually spend money on the eshop regularly to buy retail games. Maybe 33% of all games I've purchased were at full price when not counting VC. The myth that console gaming is expensive is just that - a myth. Games are regularly severely discounted on the eshop, and that only gets better with My Nintendo. The severity, frequency, and spread of the discounts on Steam have always been grossly eggadurated.

It's what DeNA was initially brought in for. Not mobile - backend and UI. When you look at My Nintendo and the Nintendo Account site, you can see whe night and day difference between pre-DeNA Nintendo's UI and post-DeNA Nintendo's UI. You'd have to be willingly sticking your neck in the sand to pretend that that design won't be applied for the platform these programs were built to integrate into. Also, Nintendo has a touch screen. No amount of Windows 10 is going to make up for having to use a controller to navigate their menu. You've seen what Apple was able to do with UI thanks to the benefit of having a touch screen. NX is going to finally have people who actually know what they're doing designing their UI.

And of course PS4 and XBO are well developed for what they are. They are both the best possible implementation of a flawed and obsolete system, but they have nothing on Apple's Appstore, Android's marketplace, or Steam's marketplace which are in a different league entirely, and they never will as long as the option for physical media takes precidence. Nintendo isn't just going to catch up, they are going to stream-roll past PS4 and XBO here.

All those options you said will be on NX are already available on current gen consoles. But with PS4 and XB1 you also have the additional choice of buying games at retail. People like to have a choice and going digital would limit their choice rather than expand it.

If people wanted to go digital like you said console games would have had a much higher digital sales ratio than the 10-20% they usually do. Why is that so, going by your logic, they should have moved en masse to digital downloads?

Steam sales are not overstated. They are incredible and offer discounts on a huge variety of popular games. Steam prices are generally also quite low compared to consoles. PSN has some good sales now and then but it doesn't compare with Steam.

I agree touch screen allows for some cool UI design and if NX has that it will be an advantage. But let's not compare Nintendo to Apple and Google in terms of software development. They don't have the same resources and experience and Nintendo's online infrastructure isn't even up there with PSN and XBL. It took Apple and Google years of experience before their app stores became what they are now. DS4 does have a touch screen and Sony could integrate it more efficiently.