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shikamaru317 said:

In case you guys missed it, Super Metal Dave, whose Nintendo leaks earlier this year were accurate, said he disagrees with Emily about NX not using Polaris. He believes NX is using Polaris 11, which according to yesterday's spec leaks is a 2.5 tflop GPU that only  uses LESS than 50w of power, so both more effiecient and more powerful than PS4's GPU but less powerful than PS4K's GPU. He has said many times that Polaris 11's low power draw matches with Nintendo's statements about designing an efficient console, and that the timing of Polaris' design matches with when Nintendo started shopping around for NX tech. He believes that NX was the "design win" that AMD mentioned to investor's late last year. He only disagrees with Emily about Polaris though, he says she may be right about it not being x86 (so likely ARM for easier porting between the console and the rumored Tegra based handheld).

This makes much more sense.

If AMD has a new gen of GPUs ready, that are able to do 2.5 Tflops (36% faster than PS4) for less than 50watts.

That sounds like something Nintendo could use, and ask AMD to make them a semi custum APU, with ARM + Polaris 11.