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spemanig said:
Normchacho said:

Do you know why Nintendo always fucks up their hardware? Because they have no idea what they're doing. They throw shit just to see what sticks.

The biggest success Nintendo has ever had in the console market beat the biggest failure Sony has ever had in the console market by less than 15%. And it was a total fluke Nintendo even had success with the Wii. 

Nobody is ditching their PS4 after (at most) 3 years for a new Nintendo console. Especially one that's weaker than what they already have and is digital only.

Actually, dead serious question. What about the NX is going to make people want to buy it? What is going to be the thing that makes it a success?

Wii wasn't a fluke. You have to be willfully blinding yourself to believe that the Wii was successful by accident. And the different in profits between the two is far, far greater than 15%, so let's not talk numbers there. PS3 destroyed Sony, and the only reason it was able to sell what it did is because Sony had to take drastic price measures to save it because it was either lose a shit ton of money and sell 80m or sell less and go bankrupt.

Of course nobody is ditching their PS4 for a new Nintendo console. Nintendo isn't selling the NX to PS4 owners. News flash, last gen had a combined installed base of 260m users. PS4 and XBO haven't put a slight scratch on that potential, and still won't have by the time NX launched. And the digital only will be a pro, not a con. I know that hurts your head to consider, but the would isn't behind the times on digital like you wish it were. Everyone's savvy to it. For a decade now.

Dead serious answer, the platform. The UI, the OS, the firmware, and the digital marketplace are what will make the NX a success. Sounds boring, but that's how Apple did it. That's how Nintendo's doing it now.

Nintendo already tried to do something what Apple did with WiiU. It didn't end up well