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Normchacho said:
Culipechi said:

Yes. They are doomed.

They aren't doomed. A 3rd party Nintendo would make more money than they ever could as a console maker. How well do you think Mario Kart or Smash Bros. would sell on the PS4 and Xbox One? Twice what they did on the Wii U? And Nintend would have to spend $0 on designing and making a console.

A few things to consider.

A 3rd party Nintendo not only stops getting royalties from others, they also have to pay out royalties.

You mention not having to spend money on making hardware without realizing that historically hardware has been profitable for Nintendo.

Nintendo would also make far less money from selling accessories which again is typically a profitable area.

Now here is the most important part and i have made a thread about it in the past, many Nintendo franchises have shown to not be dependant on install base meaning there is no gaurantee they will have big gains by being multiplatform.

By losing royalties, paying royalties & no longer making money on hardware/accessories, Nintendo games need to sell much better than they do as a 1st party in order to make such a move worthwhile.

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.