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Soundwave said:

They have very poor odds of third party support now I'd say. No x86 and a weaker chip than the PS4 ... third parties are not going to even bother. At least the Western ones.

In no fucking way is XBox One performance modern unless this a portable device either.

Just because it's not x86 doesn't mean it won't garner 3rd party support and it doesn't make it weaker, a decent ARM and PowerPC chip can beat a low-end cheap chip like Jaguar without much hassle.

Games these days aren't typically built to the metal anyway, anymore.

maxleresistant said:

There is a tons of differences between a wii u and a Xbox one . Those are checkboxes Nintendo needs to tick so that it can be in the race. It s not just about power

-X86 instead of power pc (power pc is over and done)

-8GB of RAM vs 2GB on WiiU

-at least 500GB of HDD

-better OS and online service with more functionalities


These are the requirements. Now, problem is things have changed since 2013, the NEO and one.5 could change a lot of things

PowerPC is fine. But Nintendo would more than likely go with ARM, AMD is an ARM licensee and has done the R&D.

I would hope for more than 8Gb of Ram, but 8Gb would be sufficient in a cost sensitive device, hopefully they keep the OS footprint small unlike Sony and Microsoft.

sc94597 said:

If it is not x86 and it is a modern architecture, then the only thing I can think of is ARM. She better be right about her sources, because otherwise all of this can come crashing down ruining her reputation. Sorry, I am always skeptical about "second-hand" information. Remember that telephone game we all used to play in school?

IBM constantly works on PowerPC, improving it's performance, thus it also has a "modern architecture". - It's a pretty vague stament anyway and really could mean anything.

cesarmgc said:

Well a nintendo console with the Xone power will be nice... this gen still has 4 years maybe 5 of life....

I was hoping the Neo marked the half way point. So 3 years with some luck!

Fei-Hung said:
Price point will play a huge factor in how successful the NX is if these rumours are true.

It sounds like it will be less powerful than the X1 and since it isn't X86 like the other two, porting games may not be as easy. In other words, if they release another underpowered console 3 years into the current generation, at a similar or higher price to the current consoles, it will not only be a hard sell to consumers, but to developers too.

Nintendo's targeted Audience (Younger, Casual etc'.) typically are more price sensative than the market demographic that Microsoft and Sony target.
If that is the case, performance isn't likely to be a massive factor if Nintendo markets itself right, Nintendo had great success with the Wii despite the power disadvantage.

Slimebeast said:

I really hope Nintendo decides not to use ARM as the CPU instead of x86, because that would mean that AMD wouldn't be allowed to make it. With an x86 AMD CPU the Nintendo NX would get just the computation power it needs.

I want both components of the NX, the CPU as well as the GPU to be provided by AMD. I love AMD.

AMD is an ARM licensee. AMD can make ARM processors. AMD has done the R&D to make ARM processors. AMD has made ARM processors.
ARM processors can also be more powerfull than x86 processors.

ARM processors would give Nintendo a massive advantage with support from Android and iOS software ecosystems, if they open themselves up to it, the point is, it's just as easy to develop and port to ARM as it is to x86.

Soundwave said:

So now the rumor is they're not even using AMD at all but Nvidia, lol.


lmaobox said:
I predicted something like this months ago on another board and the losers there all laughed at me.

Cerny did a remarkable job designing the PS4 SoC. It was revolutionary and incredibly efficient in terms of both power and manufacturing costs. Nintendo and Microsoft weren't able to reverse-engineer the PS4 SoC in time, so they have to settle for weaker consoles. I don't think the Xbone 1.5 will be as strong as the base PS4.

Then there's the issue of economies of scale. AMD is probably giving SONY a kick-ass deal on their SoCs while charging and arm and a leg to both MS and Nintendo. Higher volume customers are more valued than low volume customers.

Cerny didn't design the PS4 SoC. AMD designed it. Cerny just asked AMD for a set of hardware specifications and AMD did all the hard work.

And the reason why Cerny and Sony cannot design an x86 SoC is simple. They don't hold an x86 license, thus by LAW they aren't allowed to.

Guitarguy said:
Teeqoz said:
Good for Nintendo. Launching a console at 400$ to compete with PS4K/Neo just wouldn't have been a good move at all.

I agree actually. Nintendo should do their own thing. It is pretty evident that trying to mimick the path of the PS4/Xbox One will be an instant death for the NX, so I think Nintendo need to do something different. However, by not using X86 architecture it will make 3rd party ports much harder and developers less open to it. Who really knows until the official specs and console are revealed. So many 'verified' rumors on Reddit and NeoGaf have been debunked(remember the COD: Bloodlines rumor for 2016 coming to NX?).

ARM is just as easy to work with as x86, porting shouldn't be to much of an issue.

Normchacho said:
With that out of the way...Holy shit this had better not be true...There's no fucking way they're that dumb. NO. FUCKING. WAY.

Releasing a console less powerful than the base PS4 that doesn't even use X86 in 2017? It had better give out hand jobs if they want to sell these things. Word of mouth is going to crush this thing.

The only way this realistically works if it's like $200 when it launches.

More power is always better, the Playstation 4 released underpowered, so something better than that so the device can stay in the market for the long yards would be fantastic.

ARM wouldn't hold that back though, ARM can be just as fast as x86 and would enable Nintendo to tap into the mobile markets software ecosystem fairly easily.

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