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Soundwave said:
spemanig said:

Doesn't need a gimmick. Polaris was a fantasy. And what did I say? People thinking x86 was a guarantee were dreaming.

I also have said from day one that the NX doesn't need to be more powerful than the PS4. It could be weaker than the XBO and sell phenominally. All it needs is parity with the other who, which it will have. Anyone who thinks that the PS4's success has anything what-so-ever to do with it's power in comparison to the XBO has absolutely no idea what they are talking about and anyone who thinks that the NX needs to be more powerful than the PS4 to have a chance of succeeding also has no idea what they're talking about.

What's fantastical about a Polaris 11? It's a cheap laptop chip, Nintendo fans have become so used to underpowered hardware that they think Polaris is something special. Even the Polaris 10 (the desktop) is a mid-range GPU for 2017. Asking for a Polaris 11 wasn't asking for a whole lot.

Personally I don't think it will do very well if its the weakest console on the market behind PS4 Neo, PS4, and even the XBox One and coming last. It would need some kind of incredible gimmick or it has to be a portable for that to gain any traction. Consumers today just don't give enough of a shit about Nintendo to put up with all that and third parties are not even going to try.

This is assuming what Emily is saying is spot on and the console is basically just a traditional console. Almost 4 years late to the market and still under powered is just ... kinda sad if true.

What's fantastical is that thinking it was a possibility it was based on nothing.

You not thinking a console behind the PS4 could sell is a symptom of your lack of understanding of how and why consoles sell, not a telling sign of any sort of inevitable reality. Doesn't need a controller/display gimmick to sell better than the PS4 once it launches and it definitely doesn't need to be portable. Thinking it does, once again, shows a severe lack of understanding for why the PS4 succeeded and why other consoles have failed. PS4 would be selling exactly what it is now if it were weaker than the XBO. Exactly. Power didn't help it one iota against the XBO or Wii U. Nobody cares about the PS4's power. They only say they do because it just so happens to be more powerful. If the PS4 was significantly weaker than the XBO but still on par enough to get every port, it would still get all the exclusive japanese games, it would still get the exclusive marketing deals, it would still be the world leader in console sales, and PS4 owners would be saying "graphics don't matter." Because they don't matter.

The consumer will give plenty of shits about Nintendo once they have a good platform out with the NX, and third parties are definitely going to be there. March 2017 is not "almost 4 years," it's "barely 3 years" which is nothing to systems that will last at least 8 years each.