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I am at chapter 12 right now and the game is amazing (duh!). Aside from the beauty of the locations, the acting, the action, what really strikes me is the longevity of this game. And I'm not merely talking about the amount of hours that I spent playing, but the "feeling" of a long and rich adventure. It's incredible how Naughty Dog nailed the pacing, being a much longer game. Every new chapter introduce a new tool or gameplay mechanic and it gives you enough time to become familiar with it. The feeling of progression is really satisfying and it is much more natural and contextual than a lazy character's skill upgrade system (I'm looking at you Tomb Raider).
I love how everything has a context inside the world, especially the shooting bits. There is always a reason why there are bad guys in a certain place and the game just doesn't throw at you waves of enemies for the sake of it (something the previous Uncharted games are guilty of). I can't wait to continue this splendid journey!