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Pokerman Advenchers Thoughts Volume 2 (First Half)

Been reading through this a bit slowly...I blame an evil blue man for getting me hooked on Madoka. 

Volume 2 is a lot better than Volume least in my opinion. Volume 1 ends with Koga being a dick and trying to kill Red and Green for climbing the tower. Green's Charmeleon kills his Arbok...which caught me off guard. I don't think I've even seen a Pokemon die. I wonder if they all go to a big PC in the sky. 

Anyways, V2 has a strong start, introducing new heroine, Blue. Her design is basically that of the female trainer in Fire Red/Leaf Greed, and so I was expecting a bland female version of Red. Fortunately...I was wrong. Blue starts off a bit rough around the edges, using her cute looks to con trainers on their journey into buying pointless items. She and Red eventually clash, she tricks him again, and he ends up teaming up with her against Team Rocket, who seem to be much more serious in the manga. They're apparently reconstructing Mewtwo....which seems bad. I saw the movie I know what he does.  

Anyways, Red and Blue eventually part...but on good terms. Not gonna lie...I like Blue more than Misty so far. If she comes back, I wouldn't mind them hooking up. Have some purple babies.  

After that, there was a short arc revolving around an Eevee with the power to evolve and devolve into all his Gen 1 evolutions, and Red having to catch it for Erika. It seems like he doesn't have the badge from her gym yet, but he's gotten himself involved with a group that seems anti-Team Rocket. I guess the gym leaders are split on this. So far, Brock, Misty, and Erica are good, while Surge, Koga, and Giovanni are bad (presumably). I'm pretty sure Blaine was helping them reconstruct that just leaves Sabrina...who showed up in the last chapter I read.  

That's all for now. I'll update more in a few days.

NNID: Zephyr25 / PSN: Zephyr--25 / Switch: SW-4450-3680-7334