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Slarvax said:
I dont like what game reviews has become. Games get good scores too easily, and flawed games receive great reviews because they come from a franchise with a rich history. The fact an "average" game scores a 7 hurts me.

And, of course, then there's the fact that gamers/consumers overreact over any score. Zelda gets an 8? Biased reviewer. Sonic gets a 5? Biased reviewer...

As of today, scores are just a tool for confirmation bias.... see all people declaring the 'game of the generation' after playing half and hour. Same people overracts when a score doesn't confirm their bias. This is particulary true with exclusive games.

Reviews are opinions and the reasoning behind those opinions. With Metacritic opinions don't matter anymore, it's all just indistinct noise.

Game companies know this, that's why big AAA games play it as safe as possible in terms of contents while betting on selling points that are un-debatable (production values and graphics). Yet we say these games help 'push-forward' the medium to become an art form.