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Aerys said:
Though i dont think you can call 9,4 really worse than 9,5/9,6( thé best being the 9,5 game, TLOU) , pretty much the same thing so i dont think Uncharted enters in thé category of thé games that really scored worse than thé previous one ( especially since the previous is at 9,2 )

Anyway, i never saw such hâte and downplay attempt for a game with such excellent reviews, crazy. Maybe thé marketing makes people mad

To be fair, both sides are acting childish. ND fans are coronating a game they haven't played based on critics whose opinions, depending on the day and time, either matter nothing at all or represent the word of God. And ND detractors are downplaying a major coup in scores and potential sales by moving goalposts all over the place.

Let's just wait to play the damn game, and then form an opinion on its worth.