Luke888 on 10 May 2016
Luke888 said: -New Region is based off Italy (near France, we already know that one of the leggendaries is Magiarna, a Pokémon invented 500 years ago by a man ahead of it's times aka Leonardo da Vinci, in 2014 a few weeks before the launch of ORAS Masuda and Ohmori visited Italy and since a few weeks ago Masuda is ending all of his pubblic messages with "Ciao" that translates both to hello and goodbye in italian); -the Fire starter is feline because it'll likely evolve into a Tiger; -the Moon legendary is somewhat inspired by a Bat (or at least it looks similar to Noivern); -one of the two main characters won't have white skin in it's artwork |
gg myself, should have gone for the main professor with dark skin apparently, still I'm feeling extremely good about my predictions.
also the Fire starter is the only good one, the other two are straight up BAD !!!