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DivinePaladin said:

If damn good is a poorly paced plodding through common tropes established by The Road and other hits from the genre, then either the people rating it that highly are living in a hole since they've somehow missed all of it, or their scales need rebalancing, with all due respect. That's not up for debate. If the rest of the game executed the tropes as well as the hypocritical, jaded old man and the feisty, edgy young girl concepts, then I'd have no problem here outside of some clear gameplay flaws. But it doesn't. It introduces characters you know immediately will be killed off and passes it off as moving. Hell even in the beginning there's a faux attempt at world building when Joel and Tess are having that out of nowhere conversation naming random names that they know as characters/smugglers but we as players don't know to seem deep.

It's actually funny, I did an amateur project that I never ended up finishing because I realized after playing TLoU the setup was too similar, and even I didn't fall into those pitfalls.

Whenever I replay the game I find it to be an above average survival horror-stealth hybrid that I play in spite of the story, not because of it. (Even then it falls into using bullet sponge areas near the end just to lengthen the game and the pacing early on is so slow that I normally get bored right before my favorite section and one of the best sections of gaming in the past few years, Winter.)


Moderated - VXIII

This is one most ridiculous things I've ever read. Having tropes in a video game doesn't automatically make it stupid,  badly written or whatever you're implying in your posts. The game falls or stands on its own gameplay and how well it's written depending on the importance of the story. 


A lot of critically acclaimed games are full of tropes and cliches. Mario, for an example, has the simple premise of saving an underdeveloped princess from an underdeveloped evil dinosaur (we know it's evil because it has an evil face and sharp spikes on it's back). But they used this simple premise to create the most successful and well received platforming games in the gaming industry. Also, the first three Metal Gear Solid games are full of action movie cliches, which are important to the plot because one might argue that they were used to deconstruct the action hero archetype. 

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