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Call me crazy, but I think games in the fighting genre are doing it all wrong. It's one genre in the gaming industry that lends itself more to in game ads and micro transactions than any other genre. If I were capcom or namco this is what I would do.

Release the game and sell it for fully unlocked $60 one time purchase.

Simultaneously relase the game for free and give 5 free daily tokens that you depletes only when you lose a match but you can buy another 5 at anytime for $1. And throw in ads in between your character select and match load screens.

there may not be a lot of people willing to spend $60 on a fighting game. But a lot of people will download the game for free. And if they get hooked, they won't realize when they are spending $2 everyday just to play it after they run out of their daily 5 free tokens. And at the very least I get some ad money from ad impressions just from them trying things out.

A YouTube video makes around $2000 for every 1 million views it gets. Now imagine that the character select screen counts as 1 view and the screen between that and the match start counts as another view. It means for every fight a user will rack in two views for the game. 4 views if you count both users that get into the fight. Now multiply that by how many times a user fights in a day. And then by the millions of users that have the game cause they got it for free. 

The game literally will be making 20k/day if just 1M people worldwide have 5 fights using only the 5 free tokens. And being that the game is free, a LOT more than 1 million people will be on there playing it.