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>connected to Origin and signed in
>Go to play BF4
>Server browser shows servers
>click connect to faves
>"No contact with EA online. Please try again later"

Guess I'm not playing Battlefield then.

Just a heads up, I cleared my web browser of everything, cache and all, relogged into Origin and started up BF4 again, it shows me the servers and claims everything is A-OK but when I click to join any server I am met by that message and everything was working fine just the other night. Bear in mind that all my other games on work along with Steam, my net isn't acting wonky or anything out of the ordinary.

Edit: It also seems I cannot sign into Battlefront either despite me easily being signed into Origin, unless someone could have grabbed my account, be signed in at the same time to cancel out my sign in, I don't honestly know what the fuck is going on and it;s rather annoying as I don't have this sort of issue with Steam/Blizzard.


Double edit: seems I finally got in on Battlefront, I wodner if EA are having network/server issues and haven't talked about it?.

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"