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So today my Wii U is complete. My Wifi board busted and I can only download stuff if I plug into my router with the Wii Lan Adapter. Since there's no more games on the horizon I felt like sharing my Game Collection with you. I hope you like it, I hope you see what I was going for, and I hope you are slightly jealous/hating on my digital life choice. Throughout the generation I was strong and beat the games I bought and avoided the impulse to buy just to have.  I paid premium price for the majority of this collection because Nintendo digital downloads rarely price-drop. I think Need 4 Speed MW is still $60 in the U.S.A. I still want to buy that one. 

My favorite Wii U games are Wii Fit U (It was free and I had the board and absolutely love it!), Watchdogs (family-friendly-GTA), Assassin's Creed III (Game-come-true for me), and again I beat my games so I loved each one of them. I went to the point of 100%ing a few like Rayman Legends, Donkey Kong TF, ACIV, and one of my favorite Wii U Games; Sonic Lost World. I don't know what people didn't see in it. I'm not even a fan of the series and I love that game! Sorry, to each there own ;) As a gamer whose primary system has been the Wii U since launch, I feel very happy with my purchase and eager for the next system. My good ole homemade pc will hold me over.

The things I'm salty about are missing Metroid series and the lack of Gamecube support. I'm naturally bothered that not everyone else could like the Wii U as much as I have. But I'm getting kinda bored with it so it's probably a good thing the Wii U is being sent to bed. I love the touchscreen for typing passwords or credit card numbers (etc). "What do we say to 'button-pressing a web address'?" ... "Not this day!" I'm going to miss my pals on Miiverse, I'll see if they transfer to Miitomo. Yeah, so, that's pretty much it. I was hoping for a Virtual Reality Headset for the Wii U, or just support for two gamepads. No matter. It excells at what it is, a genuine craft masterpiece.


Through the ups and downs I've always been sure of my purchase for one reason. I don't like the other games.