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Sanders. I'm not convinced he will lose yet (for Clinton to win a majority with pledged delegates alone she would need to win 71% of upcoming contests, which seems highly unlikely). Even if Clinton wins the primary though I will vote for Sanders.

I see Trump and Clinton as both being equally terrible in different ways. Clinton is more conciliatory with the LGBT crowd and is generally a feminist but her foreign policy is scarier than anyone else's in the race (well, equally with Trump's). Also I have very little trust in her after observing the way she's behaved throughout the years and especially throughout this primary. The hiring of professional internet trolls and characterization of women who don't vote for Clinton as betraying their gender were especially vile actions. I have plenty of issues with Hillary's policy stances but when it comes to electing a president I don't actually believe that it should come down to policy alone.

When you elect a president that decision is cemented in for four years. Which is a relatively long time, you can't know exactly how congressional politics will play out over the years and you don't know from the policy positions alone what will be compromised (because in politics there is always compromise on some level) in terms of the final legislation. In this light it only makes sense that one has to take in a greater set of facts than policy positions, one has to take in to consideration a candidates character and their judgement. Clinton's judgement has proven terrible: she supported the Iraq war, she convinced Obama to go ahead with the catastrophic Libyan regime change (which characterizes the main problem with her foreign policy approach: a lack of long term planning), when the financial crisis hit she gave a speech to wall street investors and bankers where she largely blamed the people who had been tricked into financial scams and gave the real criminals an excessive benefit of doubt, and the list goes on. Trump on the other hand espouses an absurd foreign policy of isolationist realism which plays with nuclear fire.

Neither of these people deserve my vote, I see both of them as ruinous to the future of this nation. This poll really should have an 'other' option as the ballot does allow write-ins.