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BasilZero said:
Speaking of Windows 10 - fricken MS sent out another new push of the GWX/Windows 10 installer.

KB3150513 is the culprit. Hide that bish ;(!

I'm gonna get Windows 10 eventually - more than likely my new PC build will have it.

Keeping 7 on my current desktop and 8.1 on my laptop though.

Thanks for the warning! Won't MS ever stop trying this sh*t? Luckily I always set Win Update on automatic update list download and manual install, but I must be careful, as every now and then MS sneakily restores in the list Win 10 downgrade-related updates that had been hidden by the user, they duped me the first time and a couple of times afterwards as I hadn't read the update list carefully enough and I had to uninstall and hid them again, and two times I even had to reactivate Windows. Once I even had to restore some system files, as they messed up Win Update config so deeply that the automatic tools MS provides to fix it were able to fix only part of the problems, and some really important updates kept on failing. And the last time I uninstalled one of those shitty fake updates, I had to restart the PC twice before Windows acknowledged having uninstalled them. The most ridiculous time, OTOH was when one of them was listed twice, one amongst critical and one amongst optional updates.

JEMC said:

Let's go with the news:



Bandai Namco and Slightly Mad Studios announced today the release of Project CARS Game Of The Year Edition on the PC. Project CARS is described as the most authentic, beautiful, intense, and technically-advanced racing game in the sim racing genre: featuring new technology such as built-in support for 12K and Virtual Reality.

>>And it has a launch trailer:



Great! This will go on top of my list when I'll do the major upgrade of my PC. Luckily, unlike RPGs, which I try to play following an order, most of the best recent sim racers can be played in any order without one making another one look disappointing if played after, and without a plot order to follow, like in RPGs of the same series.

Stwike him, Centuwion. Stwike him vewy wuffly! (Pontius Pilate, "Life of Brian")
A fart without stink is like a sky without stars.
TGS, Third Grade Shooter: brand new genre invented by Kevin Butler exclusively for Natal WiiToo Kinect. PEW! PEW-PEW-PEW!