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Rock_on_2008 said:
360 owners if you have recently purchased a 360 console. If you need assistance in a XBox 360 game recommendation, starcraft is always here to help out.

This generation the Xbox 360 is the RPG king.  It will remain the WRPG king until the end of the generation, and I doubt it will ever be seen as less than even with the PS3 from a JRPG standpoint.  Due simply to it's overwhelming sales, I expect the Wii to end up with better JRPG support than the Xbox 360 this generation, but not for a couple of years.

JRPG:  Eternal Sonata (I'm ten hours in, great so far), Lost Odyssey (ZOMG), Blue Dragon (solid) and upcoming Infinite Undiscovery (Can you say, Square Enix?), Cry On (Sakagucci) and Tales of Vesperia.  There are others, see MrStickBall, who is more profficient in an examination of JRPG availability than me.

WRPG:  Mass Effect (WOW), Two Worlds (great after the patch) and then of course, the incredible, the amazing, FABLE 2!!!!

This doesn't include multiplatform games. 


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