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I think they're going to have a pretty extensive launch and launch window. They need to front-load the shit out of the Nx to make sure it attracts attention. Wii U's been destitute as fuck for the last two years so I think it's pretty safe to assume that most of their team's efforts have been moved to the NX.

Launch day:
Super Mario Galaxy 3, Super Mario Dimension, or whatever they call the next 3D Mario.
Why? Nintendo releases them roughly every three years and they know people expect a Mario game from them at launch.
Legend of Zelda U Port
Why? Already confirmed to be coming to Nx simultaneously with the Wii U version. I can't imagine they would make us wait beyond Q1 2017 for Zelda, so I think the Wii U version will come out the same day that the Nx launches.
Super Smash Bros for Nx
Why? This port was rumored and it seems very likely. It will probably be like four years before Smash Bros 5 is ready. Nintendo probably knows having those name-drop titles like Mario, Zelda, and Smash Bros at launch will help them. The Nx version will probably come with all of the exclusive content and maybe an additional character or two (Ice Climbers? Wolf? Inkling?)
Beyond Good and Evil 2
Why? This was also rumored. I'm inclined to believe it because less than a month prior to that rumor surfacing, Ubisoft confirmed that the game was still in development. This type of business practice is happening a lot lately from Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo. Usually when we hear the same murmurings from multiple sources it ends up having some validity to it. That's the same reason I think Sony will announce a new Crash Bandicoot game soon.
Pikmin 4
Why? Because Nintendo said it was "almost done" last year. Its coming whether it be on Nx or Wii U. Since they seem to only be focusing on Legend of Zelda at E3, I think it's pretty obvious that we're not getting too many more major Wii U game announcements. That's why I'm leaning towards Nx. Not to mention Pikmin 3 failed to meet sales expectations on the Wii U. It would make sense from a business standpoint to try to get those early adopter's money instead of trying with a second one on Wii U.

Later in 2017:
Metroid Prime 4
Why? Retro's next game should come in 2017. Nintendo let us know that they know that we want a new Metroid game. They said when it comes it would probably be on their next console, not Wii U. I could see this one being a holiday 2017 game.
Luigi's Mansion 3
Why? Another rumored game. The last one sold well so it makes sense that they would go ahead with another one.
Mario Kart 9
Why? They're on a three year development cycle. The last one came out in 2014. I could see this and Metroid Prime 4 (or whatever Retro's game is) being their holiday 2017 games.
Animal Crossing Nx
Why? It's one of their more popular franchises so if they really want a powerhouse line up for their first year, they'll fit this one in there. The last real Animal Crossing game came out in 2013. It could be a good summer game.
Ports of Wii U games
Why? Games like Splatoon, Super Mario Maker, Star Fox: Zero, Bayonetta 2, and Pokken Tournament would be easy to port, (hopefully) find a wider audience than they had on the Wii U, and would add more high profile games to the Nx's line up early on. PS3 sold 80 million units but, according to Sony, there were still tons of people who owned PS4s that never owned a PS3 and had a chance to play games like The Last of Us. Wii U has only sold 12 million units. If Nx entices more people to get a Nintendo console which is, I'm sure, what Nintendo wants, then many of the owners will probably never have had a chance to play any of the Wii U's games.