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Cloudman said:
Acevil said:

Honestly speaking, they had some gems in the beginning, but I found Mario Kart DS (Which I believe is the first year) to be really weak, and Advance Wars Dual Strike was pretty much the strongest title. Nintendogs (which actually is what caused DS to start selling) was also that year, but I care about that less than I do lets say.... Miitomo or something else not really that great.

I hear Mario Kart DS was pretty good, but that was more so because of online than the game itself. Dual Strike was another one I heard was great, but never got into the series myself. I know my friends loved it and used to pass the DS around when they played it. And Nintendogs.... yeah, I wonder how that ended up as such a big seller...

Nintendogs was well received from what I remembered. Plus the commercials for it were pretty impressive, showing what you could do with touch controls, which is part of the DS's attraction. Interaction, in a way, has never been better during that time because people were actually interacting to the characters and the environment beyond buttons and controls. That's my assumption since I've only seen gameplay. It's not a bad game per se, but I think it sticks out to more casual audiences, which are the majority of most consoles' sales of you think about it.