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Volterra_90 said:

My point is that a reviewer might think that not being innovative can deduct points of a score. It's not my personal POV unless the franchise is annualized and gets tiresome. More than innovation, it'd a matter of milking a franchise. Obviously that's not the case with Uncharted.

Yes. A reviewer can think whatever he wants to think. It's a free world (mostly).  But it's just bad form for a reviewer to knock off point s for "innovation" in a very genre centric industry. It just makes no sense. It's like saying a racing game isn't innovating caue you still drive around tracks. Or a FPS isn't innovative cause you aim down a scope. 

Uncharted 1, 2 and 3 were what they are. if uncharted 4 adds bigger stages, driving a car, using a grapling hook, expands on the climbing mechanics, adds underwater stages.....etc. Those are all new things to the franchise. And done in ways that may only work in that particular game. That's all the innovation ND need to do. 

If a reviewer doesn't get that, then he shouldn't be reviewing games. I mean, if that's the case the shouldnt Mario Kart 8 be the least innovative best selling game ever? oh sorry, that award should go to COD.